Kerry County Museum
The Kerry County Museum visited with its excellent mobile museum exhibits in February. The pupils really enjoyed the experience.
The Kerry County Museum visited with its excellent mobile museum exhibits in February. The pupils really enjoyed the experience.
The two older classroom groups visited the Kerry Writers Museum in Listowel in March to particiapate in creative writing workshops. During the visit the children were guided in their writing by professional writers and illustrators. One of our stories created on the day was included in the recent Young Writers supplement of The Irish Times newspaper.
We have scheduled for weekly visits from the music teachers from Music Generation Kerry again this year after a hugely successful block of lessons provided to all classes last year.
We were thrilled that Minister Norma Foley took time out of her busy schedule to visit the school on Thursday, Oct 6th 2022. The minister officially opened our new school building and also unveiled our European Blue Star Flag. Her kind words and her warmth towards everybody that encountered her on the day have made a lasting impression on everyone in Scoil Mhuire.
We are very proud of the fact that a Kerry person is the Minister for Education and that she is the first minister to have visited our school.
From September 2022 the school day in Scoil Mhuire will start at 8:50 am. Pupils may arrive on the school grounds from 8:40 am onwards. The infant day will finish at 1:30 pm while all other pupils will finish at 2:30pm.
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School Roll: 18283O | Principal: John Cahill