Tidy Towns 2022
Scoil Mhuire
Co. Kerry
To whom it concerns,
We in Scoil Mhuire are delighted to support our Tidy Towns Committee in the great work they continue to do in our parish.
The emphasis always here in Scoil Mhuire is to foster pride in our locality. To further this aim this year the pupils in the senior room completed a project on all the townlands of the parish and researched their meanings.
Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle continues to be our motto in terms of waste management. This is never more important in the current climate of escalating fuel bills. The school cooperates closely with the SEAI to find ways of conserving energy during the year.
We participated in the Spring Clean with unprecedented success this year. The senior room pupils undertook the cleanup of the stretch of road outside the school during school time as usual. In addition to this, a competition took place whereby every pupil in the school got a refuse bag to take home and fill with rubbish from a roadside. When every pupil filled their bag( they forwarded photographic evidence!) the whole class got a full week off homework as a reward. I am happy to report that every single pupil succeeded in filling their bag. I have never seen such an amount of full bags left at the drop-off point as this year. We hope to continue this initiative again next year.
Heritage in School expert Ian McGrigar visited the school on a number of occasions during the year to teach the children about biodiversity, conserving plant and animal habitats, and organic gardening. 3 new oak trees were planted on the school grounds during one such visit. We also made use of raised beds and our new greenhouse to plant herbs, fruit, and vegetable this year. Pupils are taught about reducing the carbon footprint and air miles of the food they buy in supermarkets.
3 new oak trees were planted on the school grounds during one of Ian’s visits. As always the emphasis is on planting native tree and plant species to provide habitats for local wildlife. To mark ‘National Tree Week’ local forestry advisor Noel Lane again donated a tree to every pupil in the school.
We continue to produce our own compost onsite in two ways-1) using a heap of grass cuttings and 2) composting fruit and veg peelings in our external compost container. Compost bins are also placed in each classroom.
All classes are taught about Climate Change at a suitable level for their ages.
When the weather improves children are encouraged to walk or cycle to school if possible (again to reduce their carbon footprint)
Our school is also nearing completion of a major building project which includes a new extension joining up the two existing school buildings with a link corridor, stairwell, porch, and disability access toilets. This new building is architecturally very pleasing and definitely enhances the external appearance of our school.
We are very lucky to have such an active Tidy Towns group in Brosna Le Chéile . The village looks better and better with each new year. It is no wonder it has attracted film crews on location in recent times. It continues to compare favourably with any village in the country in terms of its appearance. We in Scoil Mhuire are extremely proud of our locality and we wish Brosna Tidy Towns a very successful 2022 competition entry.
Kind Regards,
John Cahill